Thank you for scheduling for the fMRI portion of the study!
Please find below the instructions for the next steps:
pre-MRI Online Survey
fMRI Scan session
In order to complete the fMRI portion of this study, you will need to complete the pre-MRI online survey. This survey asks about your emotions, memories, and social experiences in daily life and will take about 1hr to complete. Payment is $15/hr for this portion of the study. We ask that you please fill this questionnaire out at least 2 weeks before your scheduled MRI.
Approximately two weeks after you complete the 1-hour pre-MRI survey, we will be inviting you to a 3-hour fMRI session at Columbia University’s Manhattanville campus. At the end of the session, you will be paid $105 in cash for completing both the pre-MRI online survey and the fMRI scan related tasks.